Mega Pixel Scanning Technology
Equipped with a megapixel barcode scanner, the HR32 Marlin BT SD reads virtually all 1D or 2D barcodes in any condition. It has a better reading performance on reading long or truncated 1D codes or larger and more high-density 2D codes.
Perfected for POS
The HR32 Marlin BT SD has a stand design for hands-free scanning, especially ideal for POS applications. Users can process smaller items without having to pick up the scanner. The scanner can then be picked up to use for more oversized items without dealing with cables.
JPOS and OPOS Driver Support
When in HID-POS or Newland CDC mode, JPOS and OPOS drivers are supported via the dongle directly or the dongle, stand + USB cable combination.
Supports the Workload
The 2400mAh battery, combined with the low power consumption of the HR32 Marlin BT SD and lower power Bluetooth 5.0, means a full charge can last over 12 hours. A charge from empty to full takes less than 4 hours.
Fit for the job
With a 1.5m drop and IP42 rating, the HR32 Marlin BT SD can take a tumble from a high countertop or workbench onto hard floors with no problem. The IP42 is a high enough sealing for dirty and damp environments.
Flexible Bluetooth Options
The HR32 Marlin BT SD has 3 Bluetooth options. When the dongle and charging station is connected, the scanner transmits data via the USB cable to the host. The dongle can also be removed and used in a spare USB port, and the Bluetooth on the scanner can be paired with a 3rd party Bluetooth on a host.